ParticleMetric ProSuite Software THERMOFISHER SCIENTIFIC Johor Bahru (JB), Malaysia, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur (KL), Penang Supplier, Suppliers, Supply, Supplies | Atomic Solutions Sdn Bhd

The ParticleMetric software enables users to analyst particle images made with the Phenom desktop SEM. Analyzing particle size, shape and morphology is performed in an advanced but easy-to-use interface. With ParticleMetric the user can investigate many individual properties of particles and also correlate different properties to find relations and trends.


  • Integrated software in ProSuite for online and offline analysis
  • Creating image datasets with free available Automated Image Mapping
  • Correlating particle features such as diameter, circularity, aspect ratio and convexity
  • Advanced detection algorithm with default settings for non-expert user and advanced settings for experts

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